Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prenuptial Agreements are more common than ever

Prenuptial agreements are becoming more common, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.  In a recent survey, 73 percent of attorneys cited an increase in prenuptial agreements during the past five years,. In addition, 52 percent of the respondents said more women are requesting the agreements.

Many of these prenuptial agreements relate to a second marriage.  Once a person has been through the emotional and financial strain of a divorce, there is a stronger desire to make sure that plans are in place before getting married again.

Another contributing factor is that people are getting married an older age.  The average age for marriage is now 26.8 years for men and 25.1 years for women.  As a result of getting married at an older age, many people have a lot more assets to bring to the marriage.

Additionally, prenups are no longer just for the rich or famous.  A prenuptial agreement can protect people of all socioeconomic standing.  The typical reasons for getting a prenuptial agreement are the following: 1) Income and wealth disparity; 2) Ensure that your partner is marrying you for you, and not your money; 3) To limit alimony/maintenance, 4) You or your partner are remarrying, 5) Unequal debt loads, 6) You or your partner are going to quit your job to be the domestic provider.

At George Pecherek & Associates, P.C., we can prepare a prenuptial agreement for you for low rates.  Contact us today for a quote. (847) 583-0101

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